Thanks To Our Sponsors
Mike Cuevas stumbled upon his obsession with tea quite serendipitously. He passed by a store handing out free samples of Pumpkin Spice tea which he tried out of curiosity. He walked into the store and walked out with the catalyst that sent him off on an unexpected journey. He’s studied the leaves, cultures, stories, processes and flavors ever since! Certified as a tea specialist by the World Tea Academy in August 2021, he continues to follow his dream sharing his passion and experience with tea enthusiasts from all over the world.
Scentsy by Jessy
Creative Prana is a community of wellness professionals interested in sharing their knowledge and expertise to promote conscious living and support consciousness rising. Through the arts and other healing vehicles, Creative Prana offers a number of services, workshops and events to promote a more mindful lifestyle that encourages individuals to connect with themselves, trust what they know and choose consciously, while recognizing the impact of their choices in their own lives and the world around them.
Directed by Monica Molina, artist and wellness professional, Creative Prana is a young initiative that looks forward to playing its part in making the world a better-more conscious place.
I would like to introduce myself and my fellow co-hosts from the podcast. My name is Stefanie, I am a Mom, wife, and nursing student accompanied by my husband Andres, Dad, husband, man of many trades. My oldest is Adriean, the outspoken one and my youngest is Stefan, the boy of few words.
As hosts on the podcast, our goal is to really open the conversation. Exposing ourselves to different topics, highlight inspirational stories, educating ourselves and learning from one another about how we move through life as a family unit. We talk about a wide variety of topics that affect all families and we get to share our experiences with you. This has been an amazing opportunity for our family, and we look forward to the many conversations we will have in the near future.
More coming soon…